Psychophysiological state of qualified athletes with different level of neurodynamics functions
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Introduction. Psychophysiological state organism of athletes consists from different components one of which is the neurodynamics functions. This fact related with the parameter of psychophysiological state which indicates one of the part of psychical response on the emotional loads and the second part – reaction of the central nervous system during large muscular capacity.
Purpose. The aim of the work was determined the psychophysiological state of athletes with different levels of functional mobility of nervous processes during the mesocycle.
Methods The 27 high qualified wrestlers, members of team of Greco-Roman wrestling were examined. The psychophysiological state was assessed by tests: «functional mobility of nervous system», «endurance of nervous process», «balance of nervous system» which including of part complex of hardware programs psychodiagnostic «Mutltypsychometers-05».
Results. It is established that the main factor of individual-typological properties which determines the psychophysiological state of the organism in elite athletes is the functional mobility of nervous processes. The high level of functional mobility of nervous processes is consistent with the ability to speed of processing of visual information, endurance of the nervous system, and qualitative mastery of motor skills. The reduction of the level of functional mobility of nervous processes is associated with a more stable and accurate structure of the performance of motor actions.
Scientific novelty of research. The group of highly qualified athletes has the differences for the level of functional mobility of nervous processes and has individual psychophysiological characteristics in the manifestation of the regulation
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