Changes in the psychophysiological state of qualified rowers when using an occlusive splint (mouth guard)

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Вікторія Пастухова
Сергій Зінченко


Introduction. This work is devoted to the problem of studying the psychophysiological state of qualified athletes. Monitoring and forecasting of the psychophysiological state of athletes is primarily aimed at correcting the training process in order to improve sports results. It is known that disturbances in the neuromuscular regulation of the masticatory apparatus can be caused by the influence of factors of central origin: neuropsychological stress, in particular. Sports activities are inevitably associated with a large number of stressful, extremely difficult situations, especially at the stage of maximum realization of individual capabilities. All this actualizes the problem of optimization and correction of the athlete’s functional state.

Purpose. The aim of the research was to determine the psychophysiological state of qualified rowers when using an occlusive splint (mouth guard).

Methods. 14 qualified rowers took part in the study as examinees. The athletes of the main group were tested during the preparation for the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, the athletes of the control group - during the preparation for the main competitions. The diagnostic complex "Diagnost-1" (M. V. Makarenko, V. S. Lyzogub) was used to study the psychophysiological state of athletes. The testing was carried out in two stages: before and after the 1st month of using the mouth guard to correct the functional condition of the athletes of the main group. Statistical processing of the research results was carried out using non-parametric statistics methods.

Result. Differences between the selected groups of athletes were revealed according to the investigated indicators of strength and functional mobility of nervous processes in the feedback mode and imposed rhythm: athletes of the older age group with more experience in sports training were characterized by greater strength of the nervous system and greater functional mobility of nervous processes, which confirms the results of other researchers and is fully consistent with known literature data on the influence of physical exertion and activities in various sports on the formation and state of psychophysiological
functions (M. V. Makarenko, V. S. Lyzogub, G. V. Korobeynikov, L. G. Korobeynikova, A. S. Solodkov, E. B. Sologub
et al.).

The dynamic muscular endurance of the dominant hand by the number of taps in the tapping test did not differ in the selected groups of examined athletes. However, a higher level of dynamic muscular endurance of the movement of the hand of the subdominant hand (p < 0.01) and a smaller functional asymmetry between the dominant and subdominant hand (p < 0.05) were found in athletes with a higher level of qualification of the I group when comparing them with athletes of the II (control) group.

Statistically significant changes in the psychophysiological state of athletes after the use of the mouth guard were revealed according to the results of the reaction to a moving object, namely, the ratio of the number of reactions in advance / the number of reactions in delay (p < 0.05), which may indicate a greater balance of the nervous processes of the subjects after use cap. According to the results of testing in the feedback mode, an increase in the functional mobility of the nervous processes of the athletes of the main group was found during repeated testing, that is after using the mouth guard (p<0.05). It should be noted an increase in the strength of the nervous system of athletes according to the relevant indicators in the feedback mode from above average to a high level, an increase in the functional mobility of nervous processes according to other indicators in the imposed rhythm mode, but these differences did not reach the level of significance.

Originality. There is no data on the study of changes in the psychophysiological state of qualified rowers when using an occlusive splint (mouth guard).

Conclusion. Thus, according to the results of the research, it was proven that the use of an occlusive splint (mouth guard) to correct the functional state of qualified rowers during preparation for major competitions has a positive effect on their psychophysiological state, which should definitely contribute to achieving high sports results.

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