Hemodynamic fluctuations and their synchronization in endurance athletes

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Олексій Каленіченко
Іван Дзюник
Ірина Федяй
Станіслав Коваленко


Introduction. Synchronization of oscillations of various physiological parameters can be a characteristic that determines the functional state of the human body. The connection of slow wave manifestations in hemodynamics represented by studies of spontaneous baroreflex sensitivity and respiratory synchronism in the cardiovascular system is very predictive of this.

Methods of the study. The measurements were performed on 28 endurance sports athletes and 29 men with a PWC170 value above 1350 kg-m-min-1. The cross-spectral power of fluctuations in the duration of the RR interval and the stroke volume (determined by the reographic method) and the level of changes in these indicators during the respiratory cycle at rest, during regulated breathing, orthoprobe, and dosed physical activity were calculated.

Main results of the study. Athletes who had been engaged in aerobic exercise for a long time had a greater power of regulatory oscillations of stroke blood volume in the baroreflex range than non-athletes with a high level of physical performance. Athletes had significant differences in the structure of respiratory sinus arrhythmia at rest, during regulated breathing and during orthoprosthesis, compared with individuals of the same level of physical performance who were not involved in sports activities. Changes during inspiration were higher in athletes, and their amplitude decreased during orthoprosthesis. Cross-spectral analysis of fluctuations in the duration of the RR interval and stroke blood volume showed that at rest, individuals regularly exposed to aerobic exercise have a higher level of spontaneous baroreflex sensitivity than men with the same high level of physical performance who do not engage in sports

Scientific novelty of the study results. The aim is to find out the synchronization of hemodynamic parameters in endurance sports athletes compared to people of high working capacity who do not systematically engage in sports

Conclusions and specific suggestions of the author. Prospects for future research are seen in the study of the synchronism of hemodynamic parameters in different states of athletes.

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