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Pavlo Kirichek


The large intestine motility ensures of implementation the reservoir function, mixing of chyme, moving it into the rectum and other functions of the gastrointestinal tract. Violation of colon motility leads to pathophysiological manifestations of many diseases and pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Very important issue in the modern biology is possibility for correction of the tone and contractile activity in the smooth muscle cells of the large intestine.

Biologically active substances (NH4Cl, calcium channel blocker foridon, potassium channel activator flokalin, compound "C") modulated of the frequency and amplitude of phase components and spontaneous motor activity in smooth muscles with different frequency and intensity. It was established that the level of extracellular and intracellular pH, functioning of calcium and potassium channels of plasmatic membrane play an important role in the dynamics of motor activity of smooth sigmoid myocytes

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