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Volodymyr Ilyin
Mykhailo Filippov
Valerii Vynohradov


A large group of high-level athletes, members of national and club teams of Ukraine in various sports, participated in the research: track and field, cycling, wrestling, swimming, freestyle, hockey, football, rowing, sports dancing, and rock climbing.
During the study, tests were conducted to identify signs of chronic fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia.
After the analysis, it was found that out of 286 surveyed athletes, 101 (35,3%) showed no signs of current or chronic fatigue, while 169 (59%) exhibited symptoms of chronic fatigue. Among those showing signs of chronic fatigue, 71 (25%) had signs of the initial degree, 29 (10%) showed signs of expressed degree, and 17 (6%) exhibited signs of strong chronic fatigue. Additionally, it was observed that symptoms of chronic fatigue are more common in female athletes, with 49.0% of women compared to 37% of men experiencing them.
Analysis of the frequency of chronic fatigue symptoms across different sports disciplines revealed that athletes with signs of chronic fatigue are most commonly swimming (71% of all surveyed swimmers), track and field athletics (62%), and football (54%). Additionally, in football, track and field, wrestling, and cycling, a higher proportion of athletes with a strong degree of chronic fatigue were identified compared to other sports disciplines (16%, 12%, 8%, and 7%, respectively). Conversely, chronic fatigue syndrome was rarely encountered in sports such as freestyle and rock climbing.

Out of the athletes displaying signs of chronic fatigue of a severe and strong degree, there were  46 in total (20 women, 26 men). Upon analysis, it was discovered that symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) were detected in 30 of them (66.2%), while 3 (6.5%) were diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Among these 30 athletes with CFS symptoms, 13 (43.3%) were female athletes, and 17 (56.7%) were male athletes.  Symptoms of fibromyalgia were noted in two (4.3%) male athletes and one (2.2%) female athlete.

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