Comparison of Physiological Indicators that Determine the Physical Capacity of Teenagers and Adults in Laboratory and ″Field″ Conditions

Main Article Content

Damilola Oluwaseivna Komolafe
Mykhailo Mykhailovych Filippov


The article discusses various techniques and tests for assessing the performance of untrained teenagers and young athletes in comparison with untrained men. In recent years, the study of physical performance has become more and more important. Although physical capacity is a special concept of work physiology, sports, sports medicine, it is also studied in other areas of applied physiology and medicine (underwater and space physiology, clinical medicine, etc.). The purpose of this work was to conduct a comparative characterization of the informativeness of physiological indicators of physical performance assessment, obtained in laboratory conditions and with the help of the most common indirect methodical approaches. It was shown that direct measurements of physical performance and maximum oxygen consumption in adolescents differ from indirect measurements of different magnitudes depending on the state of training. Synchronous constructions of heart rate hysteresis loops and indicators of gas exchange (oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide release) showed that the vast majority of parameters of the hysteresis loop of cardiac activity are highly correlated with gas exchange parameters (r=0.80-0.97). It is noted that the comprehensive approach to assessing the functional state of the body, applied on the basis of the analysis of the oxygen transport function of blood and oxygen mass transfer modes, allows not only to obtain evidence of the degree of physical training and work capacity, but also to identify weak links in the body's oxygen supply system, to determine its reserve capabilities.

Article Details

Author Biographies

Damilola Oluwaseivna Komolafe, Cherkasy National University named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi

graduate student of the department of medical and biological disciplines
National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine

Mykhailo Mykhailovych Filippov, Cherkasy National University named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi

doctor of biological sciences, professor of the department of medical and biological disciplines
National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine


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