Main Article Content

Oleksandr Borisovych Sprin
Serhiy Kindratovych Golyaka
Oleksandr Evgeniyovych Stamat


The article examines the issue of studying the speed of sensorimotor response,
individual-typological properties of GNI, psychophysiological functions of memory and attention in
15-16-year-old students with auditory and visual sensory deprivation. It was revealed that a group of children from
visual impairments were characterized by relatively better indicators of auditory-motor speed
reactions, a group of children with hearing impairments - the speed of visual-motor reactions. It was found out that on
groups of children with auditory-sensory deprivation and students of the control group are more characteristic
relatively higher indicators of FRNP and SNP than students with visual impairments. It is established that relatively
students of the control group were characterized by higher indicators of psychophysiological functions,
in addition to the indicator of the amount of short-term memory for geometric shapes and the amount of attention, where
the group of children with hearing impairment was characterized by higher indicators

Article Details

Author Biographies

Oleksandr Borisovych Sprin, Kherson State University

candidate of biological sciences, associate professor,
Department of Human Biology and Immunology,
Kherson State University

Serhiy Kindratovych Golyaka, Kherson State University

candidate of biological sciences, associate professor,
department of medical and biological foundations of physical education and sports,
Kherson State University

Oleksandr Evgeniyovych Stamat, Kherson State University

Master of Biology,
Kherson State University,


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