Main Article Content
For the first time, the article provides generalized data on species diversity and distribution
of xylotrophic fungi on the territory of the Kholodny Yar National Nature Park were obtained
based on the study of own mycological samples, as well as published literary sources.
As a result of the research, 139 species of mushrooms were found, which are common in 11 species
wood species. The largest number of species (79 in total) was noted on Quercus robur wood,
which cause different types of rots. 47 species were new to the park. The largest species
oak-hornbeam forests, which occupy the lion's share, were distinguished by the diversity of xylotrophs
park area. The most common species on the territory of the park were Daedalea quercina, Exidia
glandulosa, Fomes fomentarius, Hymenochaete rubiginosa, Neofavolus alveolaris, Schizophyllum
commune, Xylaria polymorpha. For the first time, Hericium coralloides was found on the territory of the park
included in the latest edition of the Red Book of Ukraine and the European Red List of
the status of a rare species. Another rare mushroom, Hericium cirrhatum, was also discovered
included in the red lists of various countries and, according to literary data, timed
to areas with a long history of continuous forest cover. Analyzed
the relationship between the spread of xylotrophic fungi and the stages of wood destruction, on
on the basis of which the fact of the presence of a large amount of undecomposed wooden material was established
on the territory of the park
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