On the 70h Anniversary of Birthday of the Sergij Ivanovych Derij
Main Article Content
The article highlights the main periods of life, scientific and pedagogical activity
of the Candidat of Biological Sciences (PhD), Docent of Cherkasy National University named after
Bohdan Khmelnytsky – Derij Sergij Ivanovych. He as born on 8 of February 1952 in Bila Cerkva (Kyiv
Oblast). His father – Ivan Hrgorovych is a botanist and pedagogue; his mother is Klavdja Mykolaivna.
Sergij Derij studied at Cherkasy Pedagogical Institute (1969–1974) and obtains a qualification of a
teacher of biology and chemistry. He worked by a teacher on 1974-1976 рр. in vil. Spasiv (Lviv Oblast)
and on 1976-1986 in vil. Verguny (Cherkasy Oblast). He defended of a thesis of the dissertation in 1985.
It’s theme was influence of mutagen factors to introduction trees. Hi is working at Cherkasy Pedagogical
Institute (later – University) as a teacher (1986-1987); the head of the botany department (1987); the
dean of the faculties natural sciences (1987-1996), biological (1996-1997, 2001-2005) and biologicalpsychology (1997-2001); docent (from 2005). His main disciplines was genetic and methods of teaching
biology. Sergij Derij organized many educational & scientifically arrangement and action about nature
protection. He is an author of near 100 scientific and educational publications include the monograph and
5 tutorials. His main scientifical interest are influence of mutagen factors to tree and methods of teaching
biology. He has a rank of the Teacher-Methodist and the honors of the Ukrainian Educational Ministry
“Vidminnyk Narodnoi Osvity”.
Article Details
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