Morphometric parameters of Convallaria majalis L. in the conditions of different phytocenoses in the Yampil district of Sumy region
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Introduction. There is a decrease in the populations of many species, which prompts us to find directions and ways of regulating the mechanisms of development of natural phytocenoses as a result of radical changes in natural ecosystems. As a part of the forest phytocenoses, C. majalis undergoes significant anthropogenic effects and requires detailed study and development of measures for the preservation and reproduction of its populations. The issues of changing the morphometric parameters, depending on the forest site type and the stand density, remain poorly studied. The study of morphological parameters C. majalis allows to interfere purposefully in the processes of growth and development of plants, to use more fully the natural properties of plants, to preserve and reproduce the population and increase its productivity.
Purpose. To estimate dimensional sizes of C. majalis plants and to determine their morphometric features in different forest phytocenoses in Yampil district of Sumy region.
Methods of research. We made a morphometric analysis to determine the dimensional parameters of plants of the researched species. For this purpose, a number of static metric and static alometric parameters were evaluated in the studied cenopopulations.
Based on the generally accepted approaches of morphometric analysis, such parameters from the number of static metric parameters were determined, in particular, the height of the main shoot (H), the diameter of the main shoot (D), the number of leaves (NL), and the buds (B), the total weight of the plant (W), of all leaves (WL) and of one leaf (W1L), total weight of generative organs (Wg) and total area of leaf surface(A).
We estimated leaf area ratio (LAR=A/W), leaf weight ratio (LWR=WL/W), heartwood ratio (HWR=H/W), height diameter ratio (HDR=H/D), absolute diameter ratio (ADR=A/D); specific leaf area (SLA=A/WL) and reproductive effort: (RE1=(Wg / W) x 100%, RE2=(Wg / A) x 100%) from static alometric parameters.
Results. Each of the morpho-parameters has its own specific features regarding changes in values upon transition from one cenopopulation to another. At the same time, the greatest values of four (the weight of one leaf (W1L=2,03+0,030g), the weight of all leaves (WL=4,06+0,03 g); the diameter of the main shoots (D=0,5+0,01 mm) and the number of buds (B=3,1+0,04 pieces)) of the nine static metric parameters that were evaluated in C. majalis are recorded in the Pinetum (sylvestris) coryloso (avellanae)–urticosum (dioici) population. Plants from this group are also differed from the largest values of three of the eight evaluated static alometric parameters, such as: leaf area ratio ((LAR=15,2+0,35 cm2/g) and the parameter of the reproductive effort ((RE1=69,9+7,88%, RE2=4,6+0,53%). At the same time, plants from this group have comparatively low indicator of such a morpho-parameter as heartwood ratio (HWR=4,24+0,054 cm/g), with the values of this characteristic in the researched populations within the range of 4,03-6,07 cm/g.
It was registered the lowest values of the four static parameters (height of the main shoot (H=29,7+1,04 cm), the diameter of the main shoot (D=0,3+0,015 mm), number of buds (B=2,5+0,12 pieces.), weight of generative organs (Wg=0,3+0,03 g)) and of three alometric parameters (heartwood ratio (HWR=4,0+0,150 cm/g), parameter of reproductive effort (RE1=4,5+0,47 %, RE2=0,32+0,039 %), at the same time, they have the highest values - height diameter ratio (HDR=111,2 + 5,28 cm/cm) and absolute diameter ratio (ADR=404,9+35,19 см2/см) in the cenopopulation of Querceto (roboris)−Tilietum (cordatae) fragariosum (vescae).
Originality. We are able to distinguish more clearly the features of ecological-cenotic optimum, to estimate the resource potential of C. majalis and to propose scientifically grounded approaches for the rational use of available stocks of valuable medicinal raw materials in the research area on the basis of the obtained quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the cenopopulations of the researched species.
Conclusions. Plants of C. majalis show a rather diverse nature of changes in the magnitude of morphological parameters relative to the group in which they grow. Formation of plants C. majalis in the group Querceto (roboris)−Tilietum (cordatae) fragariosum (vescae),), is characterized by the smallest static metric and alometric parameters indicating the proximity of places to ecological-cenotic stress conditions. Conversely, the presence in Pinetum (sylvestris) coryloso (avellanae) –urticosum (dioici) of large-sized individuals, which are also distinguished by the highest values of a number, static metric and alometric parameters, indicates the proximity of this location to the ecological-cenotic optimum.
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