Vertebrate animals of the Kivertsi National Park «Tsumanska pushcha»

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M. V. Khymyn


Introduction. Current state survey of Vertebrate animals of the Kivertsi National Park «Tsumanska pushcha» carried out during the 1979-2018. Our previous publications on vertebrates concerned more territory than the current National Park, and some published data from others researchers contained errors or related to adjacent territories. In addition, we found other species of vertebrates that were not registered in previous years. Therefore, it became necessary to specify the species composition of vertebrates and others data about them on the territory of the National Park.

Purpose. The main aim was to establish a species composition, to clarify the status of stay and the rarity of vertebrate animals on the modern territory of Kivertsi National Park «Tsumanska pushcha», as well as their distribution in the basic faunal complexes.

Methods. In Vertebrate animals studies common methods were used and rare species distinguished according to national and international criteria. Status of species of animals was determined on basis of all available observations of them. Status of breeding birds was established the by the international breeding assessment system – category A (possible breeding), B (probable breeding) C (confirmed breeding). Similar criteria for establishing the status was used for others classes of vertebrates. All data is processed in the Excel 2003 computer program in specially designed tabular forms.

Results. The article presents the results of Vertebrate animal studies on the modern territory of the Kivertsi National Park «Tsumanska pushcha», which was conducted by author in 1979-2018 (before and after its found in 2015). There are 226 species of Vertebrate (fishes – 23, amphibians – 11, Reptiles – 7, Birds – 150 and Mammals – 35).Among them, 188 species are reproduced (113 – confirmed, 62 – probable, 13 – possible), 30 – passings, 3 – vagrants, 3 – summerings (birds, which registered in the breeding period, but without sings of nesting) and 2 – disappeared (Capercaillie Tetrao urogallus and European mink Mustela lutreola). For all Vertebrate animals, the rarity component is identified (35 species included on Red Data Book of Ukraine, 11 – European Red List and 11 – IUCN Red List) and the structure of belonging to main faunal complexes is considered. The largest number of species (124) is registered in forest faunal complexes (among them 117 in mixed forests or its parts, 96 – deciduous, 89 – coniferous), less in reservoirs (79) and meadows (41) and the smallest in marshes (34).

Originally. The article uses author’s development of the tables for generalization of the results of research of the Vertebrate that are recommended for used in institutions of the natural-reserve fund and research institutions.

Conclusion. According to results of our studies of vertebrate animals on the modern territory of the Kivertsi National Park «Tsumanska pushcha», their species composition, status, the rare components and distribution in the main habitats are specified. This data are the basis for further research in the National Park.

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