Changes of oxygen tension in liver and bile secretion, radiated by precursor of hydrogen sulphide L-cysteine

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Y. А. Levadianska
E. М. Reshetnik
S. Р. Veselsky
P. І. Yanchuk


Introduction. The specific function of the liver is bile secretion, the synthesis and transport of certain organic components of which are directly related to the level of activity of tissue respiration in the gland. Its modulator may be an amino acid L-cysteine, which is a precursor of a gas transmitter of hydrogen sulfide (H2S), which can affect the supply of oxygen to the liver with blood and metabolic processes in it.

Purpose. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of L-cysteine on the level of oxygen in the liver tissue and to find out the relation of this indicator with the dynamics of changes in concentrations of bile acids and lipids in bile in rats.

Methods. The level of oxygen tension (pO2) in the liver tissue was recorded by the polarographic method. Concentrations of bile acids and lipids of bile were determined by thin layer chromatography.

Results. Our results indicate that administration of L-cysteine at a dose of 20 mg/kg body weight causes the maximum fall in pO2 in the liver parenchyma by 46.8% (p <0.01) from baseline. This may indicate the activation of processes associated with the consumption of oxygen in the gland, which led to the drop of pO2. Along with this, there was an increase in the level of tauroconjugates in the bile, in particular, the concentration of taurocholic acid by 7.3% (p <0.05) and the mixture of taurodezoxychole and taurohenodeoxycholic acids by 17.9% (p <0.05) relative to the initial equal. At the same time, the content of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the liver secretion decreased by 12.3% and 18.5% (p <0.05) respectively in the fifth half-hourly sample relative to the baseline level.

Conclusion. Thus, the results of our study indicate that intra-portal administration of L‑cysteine causes an increase in a number of oxidative-dependent biosynthetic processes in the liver, such as the synthesis of taurocholic acid and the mixture of taurodezoxychole and taurohenodeoxycholic acids with the simultaneous oxidation of free fatty acids and triglycerides. At the same time L-cysteine occurs a fall in the level of liver parenchyma O2 tension. 

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