Microbiological status of slightly mineralized silicon Ukrainian mineral water

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E. M. Nikipelova
S. I. Nikolenko
A. V. Mokienko
O. N. Khmyelyevska
A. Y. Kisilevska
L. B. Solodova
A. V. Novodran


Identified and investigated the relationship between the physical and chemical composition of silicon mineral water two deposits of Ukraine and microbiological properties of the definition of indicators related to metabolic products of autochthonous microflora in mineral water . Results of complex physico- chemical and  microbiological studies on hydrocarbon brackish silicon magnesium- calcium water source number 1 of Cherkasy region and brackish silicon chloride - sodium hydro carbonate water hole number 2 of Dnipropetrovsk region allowed to justify the need to determine the mineral waters of saprophytic bacteria (culture temperature of 22 ° C for 72 hours) , the number of which has a value in health aspects. The study of the dynamics of changes in the properties of natural mineral waters of different chemical composition depending on the performance of microbial status during storage. Recommended addition of quality mineral waters by identifying cyanobacteria and identification of biologically active metabolic products of autochthonous microflora : carboxylic acids and catalase. The relationship between the concentration of carboxylic acid and the number of aerobic bacteria saprophytic mainly pseudomonads.

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