Species diversity of aphid parasites (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) on the territory of Central Forest-steppe of Ukraine

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O. G. Zubenko


As a result of material collection in 2010-2013 on the territory of Central Forest-steppe of Ukraine 29 aphidiid species (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) from 9 genera were found. In investigated region Aphidius megourae Starý, A. phalangomyzi Starý, Praon necans Масkauer, Trioxys tanaceticola Starý are recorded for the first time.

Among identified aphidiids the largest number of species belongs to the genus Aphidius (13 species); genus Lysiphlebus is represented by 5 species; Binodoxys and Praon – by 3 species each, genera Adialytus, Diaeretiella, Ephedrus, Lipolexis, Trioxys – by one species each.

Many aphidiids have habitat preferences, which are mainly determined by trophic specialization of hosts. Species of Adialytus, Lysiphlebus, Lipolexis, Diaeretiella most frequently infest aphids on herbaceous plants, meadows and fields; some species of Praon and Ephedrus are parasites of aphids on aquatic and semiaquatic plants.

Among the identified species of primary parasites, 7 species are found to be most effective: Aphidius absinthii, A. funebris, A. ervi, Lysiphlebus confusus, L. cardui, L. fabarum, Praon volucre.

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