Spacious and quantitative regularities of bird migration in the region of Kremenchuk reservoir in the daytime

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O. V. Iliuha


The formation of reservoir cascade by flooding Dnieper river valley affects the migratory movement of practically all the species. The assessment of changes in migration direction shows that the formation of reservoir cascade makes significant changes in migration routes of most birds, forming “migration routes” along the reservoir banks. First of all, it concerns small Passeriformes  birds migrating in the daytime. The reservoir water area is undesirable obstacle in the way for most of them that they prefer to fly round.  The increase of intensity and mass migration along the shore of the reservoir and their decrease at the distance away allows to suggest the fact of forming migration flows along the shoreline of the reservoir. Widely-front bird migration is found in the area of reservoir along the conditional direction of the north-south and the northern east – southern west.  However, the direction of bird migration changes after Kremenchuk reservoir: in autumn, it is divided into two flows by Sula bay; they are directed to the north-west and south-east direction by the shore line; in spring – to the north-west and south-east direction. Thus, the main direction of the migration may vary by more than 900. The difference in the directions of migration movements is stipulated by species features of the most numerous species. Dominant migration directions are found in the peak of autumn and spring migration (I decade of October and III decade of April – I decade of April). 

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