To the species structure of phytoseiid mites (Parasitiformes, Phytoseiidae) of Donetsk region

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L. A. Kolodochka
V. Yu. Bondarev


Species composition of predatory phytoseiid mites (Parasitiformes: Phytoseiidae) in plant associations of Donetsk region (Ukraine) were investigated at the first time. In total 34 species of 11 genera of phytoseiids are detected. Frequency of occurrence and fidelity to different types of plant communities for each species of mites were determined. Detected phytoseiid mites may be conditionally divided on three groups — inhabitants of herbal plants (7 species, namely, Amblyseius graminis, A. herbarius, A. lutezhicus, A. nemorivagus, A. obtusus, Neoseiulus bicaudus, B. subsoleiger), inhabitants of woody and shrubby plants (8 species — A. meridionalis, N. danilevskyi, N. riparius, Kampimodromus aberrans, K. corylosus, Typhloctonus tiliarum, Amblydromella (Aphanaseia) verrucosa, Typhlodromus rodovae), while the rest 19 species which did not give preference for particular plant type were placed in third groop. Mites Amblydromella (s. str.) pirianykae and Am. (s. str.) recki must be named as the most numerous and widespread species on investigated territory. They were found in more than 50% of samples. They inhabit 44 and 45 plant species respectively. Mites A. lutezhicus, A. meridionalis, A, nemorivagus, Amblyseiulus okanagensis, N. danilevskyi, N. riparius, Bawus subsoleiger looked as the most rare phytoseiid species on the researched region (only 1 exemplar of each species were found on investigated territory).

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