Group filling for physical culture lessons at different levels of schoolchildren’s morbidity

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O. D. Svietlova


Introduction. The results of various studies show that the number of health deviations of the child population has increased in the country in recent decades. However, a positive solution of the problem may be due to the rational use of physical culture being the most efficient means of recovery. Therefore, studying the health status of schoolchildren and the rational distribution of them to medical groups is important for the development of recreational activities and the creation of optimal educational conditions for schoolchildren.

Purpose. To study the correspondence of the health state of current schoolchildren, organized in physical education and health improvement measures in secondary schools.

Methods. The methods of theoretical analysis and generalization, the epidemiological method and mathematical statistics were used in the work. The study used the data from the official report of the School Department of the Municipal Non-Profit Enterprise “Cherkasy Children's Hospital” for the period of 1986-2018.

Results. The study shows that for the last third of the century, the quantitative composition of medical groups remains unchanged against the background of an increase in the number of non-infectious diseases among schoolchildren; namely, 89.52 ± 0.16% - 90.36 ± 0.19% of students were assigned to the main group, 9.64 ± 0.19% - 10.48 ± 0.16% - to the preparatory and special ones. Thus, the proportion of children with chronic pathology, morpho-functional disorders and reduced resistance increases significantly in the main group for physical education. Such ineffective distribution of modern schoolchildren to medical groups is caused by students’ failing the standards of physical fitness, which is solved by reducing them at the state level. As negative trends in the health dynamics of schoolchildren have increased in the last decade, such measures only improve the students’ performance without solving the problem of maintaining their health by means of physical culture.

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