Change of reactivity of the respiratory system under the influence of fatigue in the process of prolonged stressful physical activity

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V. S. Mishchenko
O. M. Lysenko


Introduction. A change in the complexity of respiratory reactivity in the process of intense athletic training is a reflection of the integration of external and internal factors, one of the important mechanisms for optimizing the respiratory response.

Purpose. In order to deepen understanding of the role of regulatory factors in increasing the limits of efficiency, it became necessary to analyze changes in the reactivity of the respiratory system in the process of tense muscle load, performed "up to failure".

Methods. When performing a long (about 1 hour) load "to failure" with a relative intensity of 65% of VO2max, the dynamics of VE, Q and gas exchange, as well as changes in the level and speed of the respiratory response to short-term effects during the performance of long physical work were investigated: 1) step increase the work capacity by 17% from the 40th minute of work, by 33% from the 50th minute of work; 2) temporary (within 30 s) rectangular increase of work capacity by 33% after every 5 minutes of physical work; 3) periodically repeated short-term hypoxic and hypercapnic stimuli using the "reverse" breathing method.

Results. Despite the individual peculiarities of changing the sensitivity of the ventilatory reaction to CO2 during prolonged loading, the obtained data indicate a relative decrease in the acidophilic respiration stimulus at the end of the load on the background of fatigue. There is reason to believe that the modification of the reactivity of the respiratory system to the load, including the CO2-H+-stimulus, largely determined the changes associated with the development of fatigue. During a long load of submaximal intensity of continuous or repeated type of fan reaction and its stimuli in a certain way turned. At the end of such a load on the background of fatigue development there was a relative decrease in ventilation of the lungs and such changes in the gas composition of blood, its acid-base state, which are characteristic of relative hypoventilation of the lungs

Conclusion. When performing intense physical activity, the main changes in the development of fatigue are the decrease in the peak values of the reaction, as well as the speed of their deployment. It is possible to think that in this regard the nature of the training effects in the initial part of the training session and at the end of it differed. In this case, the highest effect of specially directed means of training of this kind persisted as long as maintaining high levels (peaks) and the rate of deployment of the fan reaction, as well as reactions on VO2 and VСО2. All this points to the need to take into account the nature of such changes in the reactivity of the respiratory system during the training session and the use of special means for its correction.

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