Functional support special working capacity have qualified boxers in carrying out specialized tests anaerobic character

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O. M. Lysenko
D. Yu. Berinchyk


Introduction. The overwhelming majority of researchers solved the issue of improving the special working capacity of boxers without taking into account the variety of mechanisms that determine the manifestation of this quality in this sport and without taking into account the requirements imposed on the boxer by a competitive duel.

Purpose. when performing specialized tests in the conditions of anaerobic energy supply, to determine the features of the manifestation of special working capacity of qualified boxers and its functional support, taking into account the specifics of the competitive activity in the box.

Methods.Studies were conducted with the participation of 28 qualified boxers, which were divided into groups depending on the versions of the boxing tournaments: amateurs, semi-professionals and professionals. To estimate theof special working capacityusedtechnique of detectionthe basic parametersof performanceboxers"Spuderg-10." Toestimate the responseof cardiorespiratory systemduring the «test 8 s» and «test 40 s»was used a portableergo-spirometrycomplex«Meta Max 3B» (Cortex,Germany).

Results. Boxers-professionals have a higher level of speed-strength performance and a greater coefficient of "explosive" endurance indicates a retention of the tempo of percussion by boxers-professional when performing a short-term load of maximum intensity. A significantly lower level of speed-strength performance is noted in boxers-amateur with a greater rate of impact at the beginning of the test than at the end. A high rate of impact, even with short-term work of anaerobic creatine phosphate character ("test 8 s"), causes a more pronounced reaction of the cardiorespiratory system during the testing load and in the recovery period.The higher degree of positive correlation of the number of strikes with the level of CO2 emission was revealed, than with the level of consumption of O2, which confirms the greater value of respiratory compensation for the increasing degree of acidosis even when performing a short-term high-intensity physical load of anaerobic creatine phosphate nature.To demonstrate a high coefficient of "explosive" endurance, a more economical type of respiratory reaction with a higher level of consumption of O2 and CO2 emissions is favorable.

Conclusion.It is shown that the differences of qualified boxers in terms of the level of anaerobic creatine phosphate and anaerobic glycolytic capabilities, in terms of speed-strength performance and "explosive" endurance.For the first time it was revealed that when carrying out loads of anaerobic nature in order to achieve a higher level of special working capacity of qualified boxers, greater importance is attached to a greater level of activity of aerobic processes in energy supply with a greater degree of efficiency of functional and metabolic reactions.

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