Features of brain bioelectrical activity in Parkinson's disease

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N. S. Kozhemyako
S. A. Kryzhanovskyi
A. O. Cherninskyi
I. G. Zyma
I. N. Karaban


There is a high range of investigations that show changes of networks structure in the rest state as a result of progress of many difference diseases. But there are no experimental data that gives us a generally accept point of view about effects of Parkinson’s disease. In our opinion such changes may affect basic functional brain state characteristics, such as EEG-activity of brain. We made a comparison of spectral power of basic EEG frequency ranges independently for first, second and third minutes of the resting state in patients with Parkinson’s disease and healthy patients in the early and late adult age. In experimental groups the result of natural aging was the reduction of power EEG-ranges 4-6 Hz, 6-8 Hz, 9,5-11 Hz and 11-13 Hz. There weren’t significant differences in theta2 band (6-8 Hz) in patients with Parkinson’s disease, in the control group significant differences in this EEG band were typical on the second and third minute of the resting state. It was shown, in group of patients with Parkinson’s disease only in third minute of the resting state the power of theta2 band (6-8 Hz) were significantly higher than in healthy patients. These differences were registered in most cases in the left cerebral hemisphere. This experimental data points to more quickly intensification of the rest state and the reduction of neocortex activity in patients with Parkinson’s disease

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