Antropogenic influence on myrmecofauna on the technological-transformed environs OJSC «Naftokhimik Carpathians»

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T. V. Mykytyn


The human impact on myrmecofauna on the technologically-transformed neighborhoods OJSC «Naftokhimik Carpathians» were analyzed. Under the influence of industrial gaseous emissions significantly reduced the density of the ant’s nests genus Formica Linnaeus, 1758, marked their replacement ants genera Lasius Fabricius, 1804 and Myrmica Latreille, 1804. Most resistant to anthropogenic pressure is L. niger L. and M. rubra L., are found in all disturbed coenoses; thus, L. niger L. stands dominant, and M. rubra L.- subdominant density of the nests.

In the most contaminated zone (area 0) are found only L. niger L. and M. rubra L. At reduction degree of influence of the industrial emissions, but increasing degree of the recreation (section 1.5 km) marked as 2 species of the ants, observed the disappearance of M. rubra L. and appearance of the nests of M. ruginodis Nylander. If the distance from the source of pollution to 5 miles ant species composition increases to 6 species, appear T. caespitum L., L. flavus Fabricius and F. cunicularia Latr. Thus there is predominance of nests L. niger L., located mainly under stones. At the maximum distance from the source of pollutants (at a distance of about 10 km) recorded a slight decrease in species composition (5 species). At the control plot, located in the territory of Nadvirnianskiy forest, we found 11 species of ants: C. herculeanus Forel, F. cunicularia Latr., F. fusca L., F. polyctena Foerster, F. pratensis Retzius, F. rufa L., L. flavus Fabr., L. niger L., M. rubra L., M. ruginodis Nyl. and T. caespitum L.

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