Ecological groups of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) of Kamyanetske Prydnistrovia

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N. Gordiy


In natural ecosystems number of insects Lepidoptera play a significant role as phytophagous-consuments large number of species of wild plants. Imago most of butterflies in the daytime during the day and feed on flower nectar and other exudates from plants and animals. The vast majority of lepidopteran caterpillars are predators of pasture type of power that eat plants that have no agricultural value. Finally, butterflies (Lepidoptera, Diurna) the indicator is the perfect team. It is this peculiar insect considerable taxonomic diversity, they settled almost all major types of terrestrial habitats; they are well studied in a systematic and ecological point of view, clearly visible and relatively easily determined in nature. In addition, the conservation of species diversity of butterflies day as the indicator of ensuring the safety of all environmentally accompanying taxonomic groups of insects. A case of ecological classification of the butterflies is offered. There are 10 ecological groups of butterflies distinguished for the Kamyanetske Prydnistrovia. In order to determine the species composition of the fauna of butterflies Kamyanetske Prydnistrovia and the establishment of their affinity to the environmental groups we have worked and critically reviewed the literature, and we have conducted field research in a number of points in the study. The priorities for conservation and management of the key habitat types are grounded.

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