Morphological and functional peculiarities of disorders of the muscular strength of the lower extremities in children with cerebral palsy with different levels of locomotors capabilities

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S. A. Kholodov


Analysis of the literature revealed a lack of attention of specialists to some aspects of the development and formation of skills of walking in children with cerebral palsy. Most fully in the literature analyzed various morphological and functional  aspects of the already formed pathological walk. However, incompletely represented in the literary materials of the features and structure of developmental disorders of motor skills of children with cerebral palsy, unable to move independently. In particular, insufficient attention professionals paid to the analysis of patterns of violations of muscle strength in children with cerebral palsy in cotext development of locomotors function. The results of the survey helped to determine the morphological and functional features of developmental disorders of the muscular strength of the lower extremities in children with different levels of locomotors opportunities to analyze their influence on the level of formation of the skill of walking in children with cerebral palsy. Different patterns of development of strength abilities in children with different levels of development of locomotion causes unequal their ability in mastering the walk with the control devices of various complexity. Knowledge of the structure of developmental disorders of muscle strength in children with different levels of development of walking skills give the ability to create an educational model power capabilities at each stage of the formation of locomotors functions.

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