Syntaxonomy of ruderal vegetation (class Artemisietea vulgaris) at the territory of Kremenchug reservoir storage

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V. A. Konogray
V. V. Osypenko


The results of investigation of ruderal vegetation of the class Artemisietea vulgaris at the territory of Kremenchug reservoir storage are represented in the article. The class unites high gramineous ruderals cenoses at the recreationally violated areas with sandy and loamy soil. Flora of the class Artemisietea vulgaris groups counts 54 species of vascular plants, which refer to 27 families. In biomorphological spectrum the species hemicryptophytes and therophytes predominate, geophytes are much less in number. The analysis of ecological spectrum testifies prevalence of  mesophytes, xeromesophytes, mesoxerophytes species and slightly less xerophytes. Geographical analysis testifies prevalence of representatives of temperate-submeridional and boreo-meridional chorologic groups according to the zonal type. In regional spectrum, species of circumpolar, european and euroamerican chorological groups dominate. In climatic chorological spectrum species of indifferent, euricontinental and eucontinental groups dominate. The syntaxonomic scheme of vegetation of the class Artemisietea vulgaris at the territory of the reservoir storage is worked out, it contains two orders, three unions and four associations.  At the territory of the reservoir storage groups of the class are spread in the upper and middle parts and less in the bottom part.

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