The Role of Histamine in the Regulation of Bile Secretory Function, Circulation and Tissue Respiration of Liver

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Atamnakh Salakh
P. I. Yanchuk
E. N. Reshetnik
S. P. Veselskii
V. I. Komarenko
Y. A. Levadianskaia
E. V. Bondzyk
A. A. Terekhov


In acute experiments on rats, the intraportal introduction of histamine (8 mg / kg) causes a narrowing of the blood vessels of the liver, so that oxygen supply to its functional elements is reduced. At the same time, autokoid inhibits the oxygen consumption by the liver and energy dependent synthesis of free primary bile acids and their hydroxylation; but it enhances the conjugation with taurine and glycine. These effects of histamine are realized through the Н1-receptor

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