The distribution of neurodynamic parameters in elite athletes using cluster analysis

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L. G. Коrobeynikovа
G. V. Коrobeynikov
V. S. Мischenko


Introduction. It is known that the mechanisms for achieving high results may be different for each athlete. One of these physiological mechanisms related to the characteristics of neurodynamics peculiarities of nervous system

Purpose. The aim of the work was study of group homogeneity for parameters of neurodynamic functions and estimation of each of psychophysiological meanings with cluster analysis.

Methods The 27 high qualified wrestlers members of team of Greco-Roman wrestling were examined. For estimate of neurodynamic characteristics of nervous system were used of 3 tests: “functional mobility of nervous system”, “endurance”, “balance of nervous system” which including of part complex of hardware programs psychodiagnostic “Mutltypsychometers-05”. After the receiving of results each of the psychophysiological parameters were used of cluster analysis.

Results. The results was showed that for each of tests stands out 1 parameter and separate group which related of the contribution to one or second peculiarities of nervous system. The analysis of each of parameters demonstrated that group of athletes is non homogeneity for typological peculiarities of nervous system.

Conclusions. The cluster analysis is show the contribution of each of neurodynamic parameters, group of elite athletes is non homogeneity for each neurodynamic parameters which indicate of typological peculiarities of nervous system.

Scientific novelty of research. The group of elite athletes is not uniform on the typological features of the higher nervous system, is in the manifestation of neural indicators. To further define these features require a more thorough analysis of the results, based on cluster analysis.

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